Interview on the Golden State Naturalist

I am thrilled to say that my interview with Michelle Fullner, the Golden State Naturalist, is up! Michelle and I met at Cold Canyon on a supremely hot August morning for a hike and conversation. We talked about my seven years of observations of Cold Canyon, fire ecology, the process of making The Cold Canyon Fire Journals, fire cycles in California, controlled and cultural burning, and so much more.

This episode starts the second season of Michelle’s podcast, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. I love the range of interesting and engaging people she has picked to interview. She does a ton of research into each subject so that she can add plenty of background and her own thoughts to the final product. And I feel a strong kinship with her in how we approach science communication. We share a focus on making sure we understand the science behind our topics as fully as possible, and representing our subjects with thoughtfulness, consideration and respect.

I can’t wait to listen to Michelle’s upcoming episodes!

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